Veranstalter / Organizers:


„Hosting the World” – New image campaign from Messe Berlin illustrating the value of trade fair and convention business

- Cross-medial approach shows the company as a valuable host for Berlin

- Evocative image film featuring a “Blue Dinner”

Messe Berlin is launching a new image campaign under the slogan “Hosting the World”. The promotional themes and a new image film display the company as Berlin’s leading host. Using a cross-medial approach the fair company also draws attention to the additional commercial benefits that it brings to Berlin.


“We clearly show the substantial contribution that trade shows and conventions make to the economic development of a region. Each year we attract 2.6 million people, who attend events such as IFA, the International Green Week and ITB. And behind it all, as always, is the company, Messe Berlin, and the city of Berlin derives the benefits“, as the Director of Corporate Communication, Emanuel Höger, says, explaining the aims of the campaign.


A number of different advertising themes from a series developed by M&C Saatchi illustrate how the Messe Berlin events make their own contribution to Berlin’s economy. For example, in an allusion to the world’s leading fair for the fruit trade, FRUIT LOGISTICA, the question is asked, whether lychees can be used to make cycle paths. And Messe Berlin’s response is: Yes, because the tax revenues that the state finance office derives from the company’s work can also be used to fund additional infrastructure. Similar themes have been created for the company’s other leading fairs. The campaign is being staged in the print media, in outdoor advertising and on social media.


Image film presents the host culture as the “Blue Dinner”


Developed in parallel with the campaign, the image film also addresses the host theme. As a blue version of the popular “White Dinner”, the agency fischerAppelt play presented a shared meal with guests to symbolise hospitality. “By adopting the idea of a ’Blue Dinner” we deliberately set out to create a film that not only presents our expertise as hosts but is also intended to be timeless and a pleasure to watch”, Höger explained.


More details about the advertising campaign and the image film can be found on the campaign website:

About Messe Berlin

Based on turnover and growth, Messe Berlin is one of the world's ten leading trade fair companies. Each year it develops, markets and hosts hundreds of live events in Berlin and around the world. Its wide-ranging portfolio includes ITB, IFA, InnoTrans, FRUIT LOGISTICA and the International Green Week, all leading global trade fairs, as well as major conferences and iconic events such as the street celebrations (Fanmeile) at the Brandenburg Gate. Messe Berlin has around 90 foreign representatives who market events in over 170 countries. Each year some 30,000 members of the media from all parts of the world obtain accreditation for events on the exhibition grounds in Berlin where the company has its headquarters. Thus, Messe Berlin acts as a driving force of the metropolis that is Berlin. Its aim is to be an outstanding host for visitors to every event at Messe Berlin, to give individuals an optimum boost for their business and to ensure fair conditions for everyone. This approach is reflected in the company slogan: ‘Messe Berlin – Hosting the World’.

This press release can also be found on the internet

Information about the data protection law

Under the data protection law the organisation responsible for this email is Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, represented by its management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO), Dirk Hoffmann; Chairman of the Supervisory Board Wolf-Dieter Wolf; Data protection officer Mr. Holger van Wanrooy, postal address as for Messe Berlin GmbH, email: The email address used for the dispatch of this information has been obtained for the purpose of sending press releases. Section 6, Subparagraph 1, Letter f, DSGVO forms the legal basis for this purpose and for the dispatch of press releases to press representatives. The justified interest is that of notifying media representatives about current and future trade fairs and similar events. This email address will not be passed on to third parties.