Veranstalter / Organizers:


Messe Berlin celebrates its two-hundredth anniversary

• The company looks back on the past and towards the future.
• Governing Mayor of Berlin Franziska Giffey to act as patron.

This year, Messe Berlin is celebrating 200 years of trade fairs in Berlin. 1822 was the year of Berlin’s first industrial exhibition, and today’s company has followed in those footsteps. Marking its double-centenary year, today on 2 February 2022 Messe Berlin is launching an anniversary campaign under the slogan ’Messe Berlin – 200 years of hosting the world’, of which Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey is patron. As part of the campaign and to celebrate the occasion, over the coming months the company logo will feature a festive design. Other activities including a ceremony are planned throughout the year.

“There is hardly anyone in Berlin who does not have a personal experience connected with Messe Berlin. The company is a part of the city and has always contributed significantly to its international standing as a place for business. That is why in this anniversary year it is good that Messe Berlin is not only looking to the past, but is preparing for the future too“, said Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey at the campaign launch.

“This anniversary falls in a difficult period of our history. However, looking back we also see that the concept of trade fairs and congresses has withstood the test of time. Even now, we find that people want to meet at events rather than be alone in front of a screen. As Berlin’s largest host, we have the right answers to make a big contribution to the city in the future as well“, said Martin Ecknig, CEO of Messe Berlin.

Looking ahead
In addition to a transformation of the company, the focus is also on greater involvement with the themes that concern Berlin. “On the one hand, we have been working on the company’s internal transformation for more than a year. For example, we are adapting our global event portfolio to satisfy market needs even faster“, said Ecknig. As a place for business, Berlin stands out in key areas such as the healthcare industry, financial technology, the creative industries, energy technology, the mobility sector, the optical industry and startups, which in future Messe Berlin aims to be involved with even more closely and to focus on at its events. On the other hand, Messe Berlin intends to network more closely with Berlin’s startup scene. With regard to its business operations, the company aims to be more involved with the themes that concern the city. Thus, it will actively pursue a zero-emissions policy and substantially increase its sustainable business activities.

2021 financial statement gains from special assignments
Parallel with the launch of the campaign, Messe Berlin has announced its initial figures for the fiscal year 2021. With regard to the company’s preliminary turnover (ca. EUR 160m) and financial results (ca. EUR -50m, not taking into account federal and state financial aid affecting the final figures), the annual financial statement will be more positive than originally anticipated in the wake of pandemic-related operating losses. The turnover figure is also the result of additional assignments due to the coronavirus pandemic. Messe Berlin has made a significant contribution to the city’s fight against the pandemic. “We set up all seven vaccination centres as well as other vaccination points in Berlin. That was a major logistical effort“, said Ecknig. “We were able to respond so quickly because we made use of our existing ties with service providers and long-standing partnerships to benefit Berlin.“

Entrance North.

About Messe Berlin
Berlin has been a trade fair location for 200 years, and one of the most important in the world for many decades. As the state-owned trade fair company, Messe Berlin makes a major contribution to the city’s position. It designs, markets and organizes hundreds of live events every year. Its broad portfolio includes the global brands and leading trade fairs IFA, InnoTrans, ITB, FRUIT LOGISTICA and the International Green Week, as well as major conferences and outstanding events, such as the Fan Mile at the Brandenburg Gate. With around 90 offices abroad, Messe Berlin markets its events in over 170 countries. Every year around 25,000 media representatives from all over the world are accredited to the events at the company's headquarters under the Radio Tower in Berlin alone. Messe Berlin strives to be an outstanding host to visitors at all of its events, to provide the best possible business impetus and to ensure fair conditions for everyone. This self-image is reflected in the company motto: Messe Berlin - Hosting the World.

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