Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin

Press Release

Berlin trade fair calendar in spring 2021 remains unaffected by InnoTrans postponement

The statement seems paradoxical at first: InnoTrans, the world’s leading transport trade fair, will be postponed until 2022, while all other Messe Berlin events will take place as scheduled in the first months of 2021. The background to this is specific demands concerning the grounds and different individual event concepts.

”The decision to postpone InnoTrans until 2022 was very difficult“, said Dr. Christian Göke, chief executive officer of Messe Berlin, following the announcement. “Ultimately, the decisive factors were the lack of planning certainty and specific demands concerning our grounds. For example, it is not certain whether the rail track display area on the exhibition grounds will be available, as it is being used by the coronavirus treatment centre on Jafféstrasse. In the current situation, depending on the pandemic, no one can predict whether the treatment centre will be dismantled in time.”
The presentation of new trains on the approximately 3,500 metres of rail track is a unique selling point of InnoTrans. After consulting with international market players and leading associations, Messe Berlin took the decision to postpone InnoTrans. It had previously been scheduled for 27 to 30 April 2021. The thirteenth edition of the world’s leading trade fair for transport technology will take place from 20 to 23 September 2022 in Berlin.

Each event will be assessed individually

All other Messe Berlin events remain unaffected by the decision to postpone InnoTrans. “We are assessing each of our events individually with regard their feasibility under the given circumstances. Our mission is twofold: we see it as our duty to the city to continue to hold as many events as possible in Berlin, and we also want to provide the relevant industries with an urgently needed platform for in-person meetings and doing business“, said Dr. Göke.

About Messe Berlin
Based on turnover and growth, Messe Berlin is one of the world's ten leading trade fair companies. Each year it develops, markets and hosts hundreds of live events in Berlin and around the world. Its wide-ranging portfolio includes ITB, IFA, InnoTrans, FRUIT LOGISTICA and the International Green Week, all leading global trade fairs, as well as major conferences and iconic events such as the street celebrations (Fanmeile) at the Brandenburg Gate. Messe Berlin has around 90 foreign representatives who market events in over 170 countries. Each year some 30,000 members of the media from all parts of the world obtain accreditation for events on the exhibition grounds in Berlin where the company has its headquarters. Thus, Messe Berlin acts as a driving force of the metropolis that is Berlin. Its aim is to be an outstanding host for visitors to every event at Messe Berlin, to give individuals an optimum boost for their business and to ensure fair conditions for everyone. This approach is reflected in the company slogan: ‘Messe Berlin – Hosting the World’.